Zukra Math

A game made in under 3 hours for Trijam #94. Theme: a + b = c
The ancient Zukra tribe was just discovered! Only issue is...we uh...we can't figure out how their mathematics worked. Can you possibly help us out?

You Cracked the Code!

Woah! You cracked the code of the Zukra tribe's number system! It probably wasn't that hard. Or fun. But I hope you had a little fun :)

Your Answered Questions


Current Problem

Drag and drop the blue Zukra glyphs into the equation to check answers.
Once an answer is correct, it will move to your answered questions column.
When you think you have enough info to solve the Zukra number system, enter the values in the attempt column to the right and click 'Check!'
Some answers may already be filled in on the right, depending on the game mode you chose.

